Hii friends, the Indian mobile operator services is introducing a new trend in the Indian market. Its the launch of Third Generation Mobiles. India is one of the last countries in the world which is introducing the 3G mobiles now in 2010 while the revolution came about much earlier in 2007 when countries opted for it. in India, it was delayed because the Defense Ministry was not clearly it. From Jan 2009, the 3G technology launch has awaited till 8th April 2010 when it was announced that the 3G auction for mobile operators will be held on 9th April 2010. The Government of India is estimated to gain rs 30000 crores from 3G auction. Nine players are bidding for three Indian slots and the fourth slots is planned out in Punjab, West Bengal, Bihar and J&K. The starting price for 3G auction is 3500 crore and the winning price is expected to be around 8000 crores.The bidding regulations are made such that only existing Indian operators can take part in bidding. i think the 3G penetration will take time to cover entire India. As for now it will be only restricted to metros and other big cities. The 3G mobiles will be expensive than the 2G mobiles and this in-turn will slow down the penetration process. 3G mobile technology has been successful only in very few countries like Japan, Germany, Korea and Italy. Accept these countries, the 3G technology has been accepted at a slower rate as it was expected In India the significant beneficiaries of the launch of 3G.is mobile broadband and data markets, which about 92% of the total revenue. The facilities offered by 3G mobiles over 2G mobiles are improved voice quality, multimedia messaging, mobile broadband, video conferencing etc. It will bring a revolution in the mobile sector if its successful in India but hurdles exist to manage the 1.2 billion population data traffic. Friends, comment on 3G technology...
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