As we are about to surpass the first decade of the 21st century, let us look back at one of the most happening decades for India. 21st century was said to be 'the century of dominion of the Asian countries'. Here are some of the developments, changes and hicupping events that took place in India in 'The' last decade.

The decade began with the shadow of terrorism growing over the world as the WTC was attacked in USA on Sept 11, 2001. The fate of India was not expected by anyone that the country's most protected area in terms of security and the country's governing bulding 'The Parliament' would be attacked by terrorists. The incident happened on 13th dec, 2001 and 'The Parliament' was saved by shooting down three terrorists in The Parliament premises. It fumed discussion in The Parliament about security concerns in the country. But this was never going to be the end. The decade was spiced up by Delhi, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Bangalore blasts in which many lost their lives. Then came the ultimate planned mission of the terrorists, the hook hung over the Financial Capital of India, Mumbai. 26th Nov, 2008 left a mark on security provisions in India and questioned the various naval authorities that were responsible for the security of Indian waters. Amongst all these anti-social hineous events, mankind and India didnot lose its path and it continued to blossom as it does with the revival of every morning.

In the Indian politics, Congress came into power and held a strong position after nearly 2 decades. They won the General Elections in 2004 and Sonia Gandhi transformed from a hesitant Sonia to the face of Modern India inculcating the qualities of her mother-in law. Besides, Mayawati made her way to become the Chief Minister of UP by scrapping Mulayam Singh Yadav, Nitish Kumar took the reigns of Bihar from Lalu's hands, Jayalalitha's hold has gone weak and Karunanidhi seems to be comfortable as the CM of Tamilnadu and after a long tym, Mamta Banerjee has a strong hold on Bengal. Amongst all these, Andhra Pradesh witnessed the death of their beloved CM and a great leader YSR in a helicopter crash and Maharashtra experienced the removal of Vilasrao Deshmukh from the CM office after the Mumbai blasts. In the midst of all these, Congress won the next General Elections in 2009 also claiming the party's dominion on the Indian Politics.

Orkut, a social networking site was launched in 2004 and became the most popular one of its kind in India and Brazil. Facebook, launched in the same year is also preferred by many Indian users. Twitter, a micro-blogging site launched in 2006, has started gaining popularity in India because of the presence of high-profile people on twitter. Facebook has also proposed for an Indian Headquarter in Hyderabad. With all these networking sites coming-up, the Indian youth has been exposed to plenty of things in the world in the last decade. This will certainly help in global exposure of the youth and implementing different ideas to produce a vibrant and prosperous youth community of India, a country having more than half of the population between 15-40 yrs of age. The advent of gadgets in India has made the young generation develop the interest in them and the recent advancements in the world of technology like the popularity of iphones sprung-up in the last decade and the coming of the 3G mobiles to India. These will help to transform the face of technical India.

The next decade will definitely be the hallmark of a Rising India as we get close the the Vision 2020. The popularity of 3G mobiles is questionable observing its records in other countries. In the Financial Market, India reached a high of 25000 points in the BSE but was hit by recession and went as low as 7000 points. The largest democracy had achieved the feet of becoming the fastest growing economy after China. The next decade will count on the economic clash between the 2 Asian Mights. Also, India has plenty of interior problems like poverty and other social atrocities abd with the revival of the Naxal Movement in India, the path would not be easy. Plenty of small regions are demanding separate states. From Harit Pradesh to Telangana, every community wants a state for themselves. All the petiotions are on hold and it would not be easy for any ruling government to undermine these proposals and dump these issues. The next decade may even see a change in the geographical boundaries in India which also puts into frame the International borders with China and Pakistan. The next decade will certify India as a 'Nuclear Power Centre' and also the country which ponders on climate and peace issues. Lets hope that our vision for new and revised India becomes true in the next decade.
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